Sunday, January 9, 2011

Alex Pardee - Vertigo: A Decade of Hunting Nightmares.

Culver City, CA January 8, 2011 - Vida Marquesa attends opening reception for Alex Pardee's solo exhibition "Vertigo: A Decade of Hunting Nightmares."

Awesome show!! There was a line out the door and down the street, all night.  I think they even had to turn away a couple hundred people.  Not a bad way to launch 2011 for Corey Helford Gallery. Alex blew the roof of that place.

This was a huge show for California artist Alex Pardee.  Not only was it his first solo show at CHG, but this was also his first time using acrylics (he is normally a watercolor and ink guy).  Pardee was inspired by world-famous nightmare hunter, Verti Parker.
All laid it out on 13 wood panel paintings done in beautifully horrific Pardee style.

A definite must see! Showing until Jan 26, 2011

Check him out

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